This page comprise a few sample files that will be counted as valid files within the JKUM file format.
Minumum file sample¶
In order to generate a minimal and valid file, the JKUM-contents should be like this:
"head": {
"epsg": 25832,
"purpose": "Surveying"
"manholes": [
"guid": "03de0a00-d6c0-4cb4-81bd-8f6ebdfad7a6",
"shape": "Circular",
"diameter": 1600,
"elevationBottom": 53.05,
"lids": [
"guid": "216e1618-bdf4-4ade-8Ba9-b9BB334df115",
"diameter": "650",
"position": {
"east": 588447.155,
"north": 6642743.826,
"elevation": 55.145
More complete sample file¶
"head": {
"epsg": 25832,
"date": "2024-01-22",
"author": "Hans Martin Eikerol"
"manholes": [
"guid": "a62b144e-7ce4-4e77-92a3-e1c1e07a06c9",
"sid": "556001",
"bottomCenter": {
"east": 588447.155,
"north": 6642743.891,
"elevation": 52.714
"shape": "Circular",
"diameter": 1600,
"width": 0,
"length": 0,
"lids": [
"position": {
"east": 588447.155,
"north": 6642743.826,
"elevation": 55.145
"diameter": "650"
"pipeConnections": [
"guid": "e11c0db4-af2e-4709-abff-549faf0cdec4",
"sid": "548861",
"medium": "Water",
"pressurized": true,
"elevation": 53.11,
"clockPosition": 20,
"diameter": 150
"guid": "e273cc77-4e02-4f41-9ac4-23de436636fb",
"sid": "548862",
"medium": "Water",
"pressurized": true,
"elevation": 53.11,
"clockPosition": 200,
"diameter": 150
"guid": "f3b02279-8fd6-4d42-aa57-fdaa3f628af7",
"sid": "548864",
"medium": "Water",
"pressurized": true,
"elevation": 53.11,
"clockPosition": 110,
"diameter": 150
"guid": "35c2ddec-a812-4045-a1aa-147c30e33511",
"sid": "522431",
"bottomCenter": {
"east": 588429.23,
"north": 6642811.51,
"elevation": 53.218
"shape": "Rectangular",
"diameter": 0,
"width": 3000,
"length": 1200,
"lids": [
"position": {
"east": 588428.23,
"north": 6642811.71,
"elevation": 55.16
"diameter": 650,
"ladder": "Yes",
"classification": "D400"
"position": {
"east": 588430.23,
"north": 6642811.31,
"elevation": 55.16
"diameter": 650
"pipeConnections": [
"guid": "90689770-9f02-4696-9a14-2eb4aab73cc1",
"medium": "Water",
"pressurized": true,
"elevation": 53.65,
"clockPosition": 20,
"diameter": 150
"guid": "54b19888-ed03-41bb-8828-3ad6cf47390e",
"medium": "Water",
"pressurized": true,
"elevation": 53.65,
"clockPosition": 200,
"diameter": 150
"guid": "49650b66-fc06-4bed-b785-72fd96453fe4",
"medium": "Water",
"pressurized": true,
"elevation": 53.65,
"clockPosition": 110,
"diameter": 150
"guid": "39fc5c19-c0e9-467b-b523-f9703b524dd0",
"medium": "StormWater",
"direction": "Ingoing",
"pressurized": false,
"elevation": 53.11,
"clockPosition": 110,
"diameter": 160
"guid": "420cfd6b-beea-4ee9-9a14-51a7c4258af4",
"medium": "StormWater",
"direction": "Outgoing",
"pressurized": false,
"elevation": 53.07,
"clockPosition": 230,
"diameter": 300